Highlighted Review: Dark Angel By Andrews & Wilson

Dark Angel starts with a prison break of a former Army Green Beret from a high security French prison. The Dark Ones have a plan to set fire to the world and destroy all that is good. Meanwhile, back in Nashville Jed Johnson reports to Trinity Loop for selection of the world’s most elite fighting force. Jed is put through the meat grinder during selection because to be a member of the Shepards you need to be smart, tough and rely on God.

The Dark Ones are still bent on destroying God’s creation as well as putting an end to the Shepherds. The tension grows as the Shepherds battle an old ally turn foe. The Dark Ones are hard at work getting someone on the inside the Shepherd’s inner circle to take down the one force that can stop them.

Like The Empire Strikes Back, Dark Angel was better than the first in series. (I know technically The Empire Strikes Back isn’t the second in a series but in my mind it always will be.) Andrews & Wilson have thrown High Octane fuel on the Christian Thriller genre setting the bar for Spiritual Warfare so high I think the genre will only grow by leaps and bounds as other authors strive to knock the writing duo off their well deserved perch.

Similar to what God’s Not Dead did for Christian movies, Joel C Rosenberg and now Brian Andrews and Jeff Wilson have done for the Christian Thriller genre. It has given others a target to shoot for. Gone are the wimpy, mild manner stereo typical Christian men and women.

This is definitely a Buy The Hardcover At 12:01 and expect to lose sleep to be the first one to buy it.

Thank you and God Bless.

  • Author: Andrews and Wilson
  • Series: The Shepard Series
  • CIA Review Rating: Buy the Hardcover at 12:01

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