Highlighted Review: The Jerusalem AssassinBy Joel C Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg does it again.

President Clarke has a lofty goal. Like all presidents of the modern era he wants to see peace in the Middle East. Members of POTUS’s cabinet are being assassinated and the fight hits close to Ryker’s personal life. Marcus Ryker’s life is rocked when the terrorist strike close to home and the Secret Service agent has to button-up his personal feelings and hunt down those bent on stopping President Clarke’s peace plan. During his investigation he finds the true threat. A plot to kill the president himself. The only problem is he doesn’t know who, when or how. Rykers skills are put to the test as he races against time to find someone he doesn’t know anything about and stop a killing of which he doesn’t know how. As he investigates he learns sometimes even your allies can be your enemy and in the volatile Middle East you learn to live like a godfather. You keep you friends close and enemies closer.

Joel C. Rosenberg’s storytelling is at the top of the game. Not just his game, the entire Christian thriller genre. Rosenberg has weaved in Ryker’s faith without being preachy or creating a straw man from other faiths. Marcus Ryker’s story is told by a Christian worldview but I think people looking for a secular thriller would enjoy The Jerusalem Assassin just as much as the CIA reader would.

The story is tight and keeps your attention through the entire book. One of the things I enjoy about Rosenberg’s writing is the short chapters that are packed with action. Every chapter makes you want to start the next one and because they are short you’ll just keep plowing through them.

Go out and Buy the Hardcover at 12:01 on release day.

  • Author: Joel C. Rosenberg
  • Pages: 451 (Hardcover)
  • Series: Marcus Ryker
  • CIA Review Rating: Buy the Hardcover at 12:01

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